What is Your One Word for 2021?
You’ve heard the buzz, “your one word for the year”? A word that helps focus and guide you for the new year. A word to replace those never-ending and disappointing New Year’s resolutions. Why not consider choosing a word that could help you make a dramatic change to your new year ahead?
This idea has been around for a long time but only in the last few years has it really taken off. I began this New Year’s ritual a few years back and have enjoyed the process tremendously. I’ve found a good place start is by reflecting on where you are right now, what you want to focus on, and what you want to change. Think of it like this – choosing a word for the year is like having a theme for that year, a guiding light to steer by.
Of course, there’s no magic to it. But as a Believer I’ve learned it’s important not to choose my word randomly. It’s not a word representing something I “ought“ to do, or something I “want” to do. It’s not even a word for self-improvement. Rather, it’s a word put on my heart by God, instructing me on where He wants me to focus.
To find this word, I go to the Lord in prayer and ask for His guidance, for His will to be done in my life during the coming year. Because let’s face it. We don’t really see ourselves as clearly as GOD does. HE KNOWS everything and where we need to grow, what we need to overcome, and more. He knows our word.
How Do You Choose?
After researching many “How-to” steps on picking your word over the last 6 years, here’s an approach I’ve put together in arriving at my own word. If you don’t know where to start, perhaps this can help. As always pray about it and ask God to reveal it to you.
- What could you use most or less in your life at this moment? Maybe you need to simplify your schedule to make time for something else or want more courage to start something new.
- Write down a few simple but clear goals and visualize what that looks like. If your focus is to be healthy maybe you need more discipline this year. The important thing is to understand not just what you need to accomplish but how it will be accomplished.
- Create a List of words. Circle the ones that you are drawn towards and remember there is no wrong word!
- Don’t over think it. Pray and trust that God is leading you.
- Look up the definition. Once you’ve settled on a word, go to a dictionary. Don’t skip this step as the meaning of a word isn’t always what will resonate with your heart.
- Commit to your word. Are you willing to commit to this for the year or are you just interested? Your word for the year is not something you simply decide on and then file away. It’s a living part of your daily walk with God, guide your thoughts and actions.
- Write it everywhere. Put it on your screen saver and on a post-it for your desk. Tape it to the corner of your bathroom mirror so will see it every morning and every night. Write it in your journal as a reminder to guide you.
If this is something you’re considering for 2021, DO IT and see what happens! You might be surprised with the results – I know I was.
Making your word a real commitment can guide you in ways you may not realize until later in the year and you reflect on how you’ve stayed the course. For instance, some of my words over the last 6 years have been Build, Fearless, Fortitude, and this year’s word, Flourish (the “F’s” are merely a coincidence, 😊 ). Those words became a true light for me every year, guiding my thoughts and actions. And perhaps more important, my results were actually greater than I had hoped or expected!
So what’s your word? Once you find it, or it finds you, share it with us on Facebook or Instagram. Make 2021 a God-filled year!
Blessings in Christ