You Were Made for More – Finding Your Purpose Over 50!
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
Everyone has a purpose. Sadly, many of us don’t realize it.
“When we don’t have an accurate understanding of our identity, we strive to be like someone else or we compare ourselves to others and try to become someone we are not. Then when we don’t end up becoming who we think we are supposed to be. We become critical of ourselves. We become insecure, overly sensitive, judgmental, frustrated and unfulfilled. We become self-absorbed always thinking about ourselves and what we should be.”- Stormie Omartian
Are you in a life stage where you are wondering if you’ve really fulfilled your purpose? Perhaps you’re thinking, “I’ve had a great life and I love my family. I’ve been a mom to my young children, a supporting wife to my husband, and a loyal friend. These were all part of my calling in this stage of my life, but now it feels like something’s missing. My kids are grown, my husband and I have a comfortable life, and now I want to do something more. But where do I start?”
This is where our Identity is challenged.
So many women over 50 share this feeling. We have so much to contribute, to learn, and to do to make a difference. Yet this is precisely when many of us start believing the lies, listening to a culture that whispers “no one will hire you because of your age” or “you aren’t qualified to interview for this job” or “you don’t have the wisdom lead a bible study or to mentor young women.”
Don’t believe these negative thoughts! Instead, hold true to what God says about us. Ecclesiastes 3:1 teaches us “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Yes, the Body ages but our spirit does not. As a matter of fact, it’s often when our outer beauty starts to pass or fleet that our inner beauty shines the brightest!
You see, God doesn’t care about our age. When we dive into our real purpose, which is the same for everyone – to glorify God and have relationship with Him – we simply have to ask Him to lead us to our next calling in our new season and help us use the natural gifts He has already given us. Ask Him to lead you in the genuine spirit of “your will be done Lord” and He will reveal His divine purpose to you!
I’m the perfect example of this. For years my calling was to be in business and be a mom and a wife. God wanted me to serve these roles, but He had a higher calling for me as well! I didn’t find this ultimate calling until I was in my 50’s. Now in my early 60’s I’m still expressing my purpose through my relationships, my work, and ministry.
One question I often hear is if there is a difference between Purpose and Calling. Yes!The Bible makes it abundantly clear that each of us has been created for one primary purpose: to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31). One way to glorify God is by simply acknowledging who He is, who we are in His plan, and worshipping Him.
Another way to live out our purpose of glorifying God is to remain in relationship with Him and faithfully serve Him. When Samuel was confronted by the people of Israel to plea for God’s forgiveness, he told them: “Fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. Look at what great things he has done for you!” (1 Samuel 12:24)
While our purpose is to glorify God, how we do it is our calling. Calling is actually the way to get to purpose. Our CALLING is made up of the things God leads us to do in life in order to carry out our PURPOSE. Everyone’s calling is different; it’s specific and unique to each person’s gifts, passions, abilities, and personalities. It can include your occupation, your service, your ministry.
Or it can be a combination of all three!
Don’t ever think it’s too late to hear God’s true calling in your life – it’s never too late! If you are still alive YOU HAVE PURPOSE and CALLING my friend!
We live in a world that is ever changing and we don’t know what tomorrow brings but remember God is unchanging. He will guide you and answer your prayers when you come to Him.
“Whatever our season of life, it offers its own opportunities and challenges for spiritual growth. Instead of wishing we were in another season, we ought to find out what this one offers.”- John Ortberg
I pray that God will give you wisdom and reveal what His calling is for you. May He give you your heart’s desire and through it you will not only fulfill your calling but the purpose He has for you. Stay focused on God and He will keep you in perfect peace as He guides you into the future He has prepared for you.
May God continuously lead your path.