Happy Anniversary From All Things Faithful!
“And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17 (ESV)
To our dear followers and friends, All Things Faithful celebrates our 4th year today!
You are the reason we are celebrating this special day in our company of faith. Without you we would not be here. The joy we’ve experienced over the last four years of receiving emails, comments, and feedback both here and on Instagram and Facebook have given us a stronger sense of discernment about the curated collection of faith resources we bring you each week and how those have impacted so many of our friends in ways bringing comfort, peace, and hope.
Our continued mission is to Glorify God in all things by advocating faith in our everyday lives.
Our core values remain to this day words that we hold to and focus on every week:
Glorify God • Humility in all things • Grace • Gratitude • Hope • Jesus
Our vision is to promote faith and inspiration in our local and global communities. We are passionate about creating a faith-driven community serving God’s glory in all things.
We pray you will continue being encouraged to live for Him in every way, every day.
All Things Faithful
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A personal note from our founder
Are you feeling God’s nudge to do and be more? It can be a scary thing to step into your calling…
Following the Call and Receiving the Blessings
What I’ve learned over these last four years is that it’s never about us, but rather about the God we serve. Our steps will be directed through Him and in Him — we only have to ask. His ministry is at work, and when we walk in it, our actions will bear fruit, boundless in possibility.
A week doesn’t go by where I don’t ask him to cleanse me, guide me, and direct me. You see, the greatest realization throughout this journey has been that I can’t do this ministry on my own. I continually remind myself that God qualifies the people He calls. He seeks those who are available, not just those who are able (Philippians 2:1-4).
When we let go and passionately ask the Lord to take over, that’s when the “divine miracles” occur. The people and opportunities the Lord will bring to you are endless. Some blessings will be big, some may be small, but they are all from God and they are all important.
Be open and earnest to follow God’s guidance to opportunities and treasures you could never imagine.
Don’t Be Afraid – Divine Callings Are For All of Us
Someone asked me recently what I thought the key to a successful ministry was. I believe truly successful ministries are simply divine callings worked out in our lives. Any job can become a ministry as long as you make God the priority and focus. Whatever your talents and abilities, God can use them. When we allow the Holy Spirit to move through us, God uses our gifts and resources to accomplish His work in the world. That’s the essence of a successful ministry and or career.
You may already be in the spot where God wants you, whether you’re a teacher, an artist, an engineer, a Mom or a CEO, that is your ministry. No relationship, circumstance, or activity is random when you follow His will.
Ask yourself this question: What is the fear keeping you from His call on your life?
Fear of failure?
Fear of being inexperienced?
Fear of (fill in your own blank)?
What I’ve learned is if we lean on our own understanding rather than trusting God with all our hearts (Proverbs 3:5), we will never be ready enough, qualified enough, or experienced enough to accomplish what God calls us to do. God calls us when He is ready, not necessarily when we are.
In the end, our faith is about hearing God, serving His will, and serving each other (Matthew 22:36-39). I’ve learned there is work to be done, whether we are reaching 1 person, 100 people, or 10,000. While I continue pressing forward with each passing day, I realize that if we are to truly follow God’s will, we must let go of our fear and hesitation — take a giant leap in and simply trust.
May God continuously lead your path.