Don’t Be Afraid Of … Fear
“I trust in God. I will not be afraid. What can people do to me?” Psalm 56:11 (NCV)
Over the last decade I’ve been on an amazing journey. What a ride it’s been working and collaborating with Christian leaders, visionaries, writers, pastors, and CEO’s throughout the city. I’ve stepped into things that have brought up feelings of fear and doubt. I’ve often felt like I was simply not equipped to do some of them, but prayers were answered and doors opened.
Through it all, I’ve never been alone.
Our fears can lead us to trust in things, people, places, idols, etc., instead of trusting in the One who created and breathed them into life. This is especially true when God calls us to something new!
While God often asks us to do things outside our comfort zones, He never asks us to do things He will not prepare us to do! Nor will He put a challenge in front us and not stand beside us.
When we completely surrender all things to God, we take an important step in following Jesus’ example in Luke 22:42: “not my will but Your will be done.” The next step is for us to make sure we are at the center of God’s will. To do that, requires regularly asking Him to show us what His will is and lead us in it.
But be prepared – you can bet He will sometimes ask us to do things we’re not ready for.
Is God asking you to do something making you pause, doubt, or fearful? The truth is, if you don’t feel stretched or uncomfortable in your walk with the Lord then shouldn’t you be questioning whether you are actually in the will of God? It has been my personal experience that being stretched and uncomfortable is “a way of life” when walking in God’s Will.
God’s voice comes in all shapes and sizes.
Maybe you’re being called to start a ministry, or volunteer at church to be a bible study leader, or give your testimony in front of a large crowd. Or, it could be to leave your current life and become a missionary in Africa. Or write your first book about faith. Regardless, expect it to be unexpected.
God’s call on your life will likely ask you to step out of your comfort zone.
Why? Because if God only asks you to do things you can already do on your own power, then you get the glory when those things get done. But if God asks you to do things that can only be done by His power, the glory is God’s.
God will equip you for whatever He asks you to do.
God does not set us up for failure. Just like He equipped Moses, God will supply us with what we need for anything He calls us to do. He will stretch and grow us over time. This does not mean everything will go smoothly when we follow God’s call. God told Moses that he would meet resistance from Pharaoh along the way but that did not mean that God was not with him or equipping him.
It’s okay to be afraid.
Did you know that “Do not be afraid” is among the most repeated phrases in the Bible? God’s calling means coming into God’s presence, even when we’re afraid. You see, fear is not a sign of a lack of faith. It’s not something to be ashamed of, ignored, or condemned. Rather, fear a healthy emotion created by God. When we’re scared, we slow down, we become cautious, we pay attention.
How we respond to fear reveals the level and depth of our faith. Do we let fear paralyze us or do we give our fear to God?
What is God calling you to do that brings up fear, doubt, hesitation for you? What do you do with that fear? How do you respond? Take a leap of faith and run to what God is calling you in your heart to do, and it’s ok … do it AFRAID.
May God always guide your path.