October 2018 Gather Her hosted by Created Woman
Community of women learning to dream, live life on purpose &
explore our faith. We are entrepreneurs, dreamers, doers & fashionistas!
Stay until 10:00 for the after party!
~ Build community & relationships with other dreamers, doers, entrepreneurs & fashionistas
~ Meet with your dream launcher friend and set goals for the next month
~ Meet with your very own Mastermind group
~Or just hang out for some girl time!
Speaker: Dominique Phillips
Topic: God Can’t Use Me!
– Ever feel like your life isn’t good enough to be used by God? You’re too broken, too insecure, too unsettled? Same, sister.. Same. Dominique will share her story of healing and hope reminding us that God has, can, and will use ANYONE.
Fashion Partner: Jentri Quinn of Jentri Quinn Makeup + Skin
– Jentri will be sharing her journey of entrepreneurship plus fabulous skin and makeup products
~ Raffles ~ $3/ticket or 6 for $15
~ Light Bites & Drinks
~ Real Girl Talk during our Girl time after speaker
…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.
FREE! But, if you believe in the mission, they do accept donations! Visit https://createdwoman.givingfire.com/
At Gather Her, you will:
~ Find refuge in a lovely environment.
~ Create authentic, pure relationships through girl talk time after each message.
~ Hear truth through our monthly guest speakers.
~ Meet women who are real, fun and authentic who love to laugh during our mix & mingle time!
~ Learn how to take care of yourself as an Ambassador of Christ through our monthly fashion partner.