Prayers of Blessing over My Adult Children by Bruce Wilkinson and Heather Hair

$12.99 $9.18

Pray that your children will walk in God’s blessing

You never stop caring about your children, even once they’ve become adults. Your influence in their lives may lessen as they grow, yet no matter the state of the relationship between you and your children—or your children and God—you will always have one powerful tool to use on their behalf: prayer.

Prayers of Blessing over My Adult Children will help you express compassion for your children’s struggles while deepening your trust in God. With daily scripture and devotionals, New York Times bestselling author Bruce Wilkinson shares his three-step guided prayer method based on established biblical prayer patterns, helping you develop the wisdom and boldness to approach God with a spirit of dependence, gratitude, and praise.

No matter what season of life your now-grown children are in, Prayers of Blessing over My Adult Children will help you surrender their problems and your own to God, bringing you peace through the recognition that He alone is in control.

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