Thea Wood – Entrepreneur, Speaker, Mama, Wife, and Fellow Fear Kicker.
An entrepreneur, speaker, mama, wife, and fellow Fear Kicker, Thea Wood is on a mission with you to become the best version of ourselves.
When it first began, in 2011, Thea was a captive to fear. She was locked up by what people thought of her. Of feelings of inadequacy. And of total doubt in herself.
Then, one day, this mantra came to Thea: Kick Fear In The Face. And she felt God whisper, “I see you. I know you. If you partner with me and fully lean in, we can do this together.”
Since those early days, the transformation stories have taught Thea something profound: our place of pain can become our power to reign.When we focus on our fear, we see only our obstacles. Our impact and potential is so limited. But when we see past it, beyond our tiny horizon, the sky opens up and we see what we can truly become. We see the lives we can impact—from our families to our cities to our world.
Kick Fear In The Face is a movement built on this core belief: our greatest potential is on the other side of fear!
Thea believes we each have a purpose, a God-sized plan for our lives. As a community, we’re passionately proving this truth by the thousands. Every day, we choose to armor up, push past fear, and be way-makers, chain breakers, and movement makers in this world!
Learn more about Thea and here ministry here.