Where Do You Find Your Self-Worth?
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:13-14 (ESV)
We’ve all experienced it at one time or another – lack of self-worth, a feeling of trying to be something we’re not to replace something we think we lack.
This feeling of “not being enough” in various areas of our lives can be one sign of not knowing our self-worth. The question is why do women struggle with feelings of worthlessness? I think it’s because we allow worldly influences to define us!
Our Self Worth is Not Found in Idols
Unfortunately, sometimes we start looking in the wrong places to find that worth. I know I’ve done this myself. In life people base their value and importance on their careers, education, their looks, the places they’ve traveled, who they know, and the list goes on and on. I call these idols. When these types of standards determine your sense of self-worth, you’ll always be striving to please people and feel like a counterfeit version of yourself. It will derail you from the life that God has planned for you and most of all a real relationship with Him.
But hey, I’m not going to say I know everything there is to know about being a woman of worth. In fact, the more I know God and scripture the more I realize I’m still a beginner on this faith journey. I’m constantly tempted to define my worth with activities, emotions, and accomplishments.
Our Self-Worth is Found In God
However, I’ve come to realize that his way of thinking is a spiritual desert. What I do know is this: because of Jesus, I’m a woman of highest worth. Not because of anything that I’ve done or said or been, but because of everything he is.
The only real truth in our lives is that because of Jesus we are worthy, we are enough, and we are valuable! When you know your worth no one can make you feel worthless.
Funny thing about self-worth – it’s not really the “self” at all: rather, it’s worth given to us by God. We are invaluable to Him!
Are you dealing with feelings of worthlessness or the “not-enoughs?’ I hope this week’s email will comfort you and guide you to know more about who God says you are.
“We are God’s daughters, made in His image, precious in His sight” – Amen!
May God always guide your path.