Your Dream, God’s Will
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you.” Matthew 6:33 (MEV)
Everywhere you look these days, someone is telling you how important it is to pursue your dreams. Podcasts, blogs, books, social media – everyone has an inspiration, a three-step plan, or a motivational quote.
For many of us, it can sometimes feel like we’ve failed if we haven’t “taken the leap” and chased after the dream we’ve always talked about. Or maybe we’ve never actually had that dream.
If you’re like me, you may have considered dreams little more than childish notions, things made of fairy tales, Yet, later in life I finally understood the real meaning of a dream from a Biblical perspective.
You see, I ultimately realized God has amazing plans for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11). He yearns for us to thrive and seek Him in all we do. He wants us to pursue our dreams when they are aligned with His will!
So where do our dreams fit into God’s plan?
The first question to answer is what, if any, dreams are on our hearts. Is there something we’ve always wanted to do or become?
One definition of the word “dream” is a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal. Is that on your heart? What do you aspire to? What do you dream of doing with your life?
Once you’ve answered that, the next question is if the dreams you have should be pursued. Are they aligned with God’s plan for your life?
Scripture doesn’t really say anything specifically about following our dreams. It does instruct us to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness (1 Timothy 2:22). These are Godly dreams!
In the book of Matthew, Jesus teaches us to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,” and all things we need will be given to us. (Matthew 6:33)
The Bible tells us to use our gifts and talents and to do the good works God has planned for our lives. His word teaches us to pursue God and use our gifts.
As Believers, the eternal question is this: are we using our gifts and dreams for our own purposes, and or are we seeking / pursuing Him and His will FIRST? How do we know if we are pursuing a dream that God wants for us?
Am I pursuing the dream or am I pursuing God?
Has my dream become an idol? The dream is not the goal. Ask the hard question: has my pursuit of my dream replaced my need to seek God? Knowing and loving Jesus should be the focus for every Christian.
Is my dream in line with God’s will?
Am I able to express my love for God and others? Am I surrendering to God’s will? Does my dream line up with Scripture? Does it allow me to use my passions and natural gifts in a Biblically aligned way?
Is my dream serving others or myself?
Am I able to contribute to others’ needs? Have I provided a space for others to thrive and grow in the Spirit? Am I building Kingdom or an empire of my own design? Does it bless others while still bringing me joy?
Whether your dream is near, or remains a mystery, pursue God more than you’re dream. If a dream is on your heart, it’s NEVER too late to live the plan God has for you! Let go, surrender and trust His plan for your dreams to come to life.
God will do amazing things in you and through you. It’s not easy but the reward on the other side is so worth it. Not only will your dream be fulfilled but your pursuit of God will lead the way and glorify Him in all you do!
May God continuously lead your path