Allen Parr – Transformational Speaker. Author. Christian Youtuber.
Allen Parr was born on November 15, 1975. At the tender age of 6 years old, what seemed like his whole world at the time, caved in when his parents told us they were getting a divorce.
Even at that age, Allen was devastated and confused. Subsequent to that event, his father introduced him to Jesus Christ for the first time at the age of 6. He understood the gospel and accepted Him as my Savior. For the next 11 years or so, Allen’s mother faithfully took his family to church each week.
However, Allen didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He never prayed. He never read my Bible. He didn’t enjoy church. And as soon as He went to college and got out on his own, he stopped going.
Somewhere around the age of 19, Allen was discipled by a man who, for the first time, taught him how to study the Bible. From that point on, he couldn’t put it down. He read every book about the Bible he could get my hands on. He listened to every set of tapes, CD series He could find. He was like a sponge.
Allen’s newfound passion for studying the Bible eventually led to his first opportunities to teach the Bible in 1998. At the time He was working as an engineer and had a very lucrative career for a 22-year old.
However, after 2 years in corporate America, God challenged him with a question, “If money was not a concern, what would you do with the rest of your life?” This was the defining moment in Allen’s life.
In 2000 Allen enrolled in Dallas Theological Seminary and began his journey to learn and grow as a minister. After graduating from DTS with a Master of Theology degree in 2004, he became bi-vocational as he worked in ministry part-time and taught high school math full-time. All the while, ge had a strong desire to be married and have a family.
Although he had a strong desire to be married since the age of 22, for whatever reason, he remained single for years. This was not his plan. However, Allen gained so much wisdom that he is now able to share with singles across the world.
After a fulfilling yet frustrating journey as a single man, he met the love of his life Jennifer and they got married on his 40th birthday, November 15, 2015.
Allen and his wife Jennifer have two children, Anaiah and Micah. His testimony is an encouragement to anyone who may be frustrated by waiting on God. His life is a reminder that nothing is too hard for God to those who believe.
Learn more about Allen and his ministry here.